The Asia Pacific Research Committee (APRC) comprises nine research associations from countries including Korea, Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, and Mongolia. It serves as a key network for exchanging information and knowledge on research and related industries among associations in the Asia-Pacific region. The conference has been held annually since 2009, and Korea hosted the 4th APRC Conference in 2012 and the 14th APRC Conference in 2022 in Seoul.
The Global Research Business Network (GRBN) is a worldwide research business network partnership that connects 40 associations on four continents: APRC in Asia Pacific, EFAMRO in Europe, ARIA in the Americas, and AMRA in Africa.
ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research)
ESOMAR is a pan-European global marketing research association headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands. In celebration of Research Day 2019, we held the ESOMAR Asia-Pacific Conference (APAC) in Seoul.
Korean Representative: Jun-bin Park (Vice Chairperson, Korea Research International)
WAPOR (World Association for Public Opinion Research)
The World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) is an international professional association of researchers in the field of opinion research, leading the way in the highest professional standards, ethics, and research methodologies for over 70 years globally.
President: Robert Chung (Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute)
The Korean Association for Survey Research contributes to the advancement and revitalization of domestic research through activities such as establishing the code of ethics, regulations, and opinion survey reporting guidelines, as well as awarding the Gallup Korea Prize and the Korea Survey Reporting Award.
President: Ki-jae Lee (Korea Broadcasting Communication University)
The Korean Statistical Society has achieved remarkable growth over the past 50 years through research, promotion, and academic exchanges in the field of statistics, and is promoting the development of the society by developing new programs and projects required by the social era.
President: Professor Dong-wook Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)